A visual & ontological
examination of
magical thinking

Welcome to Totem Cult! Totem Cult is an initiative by Spellbinder magazine. It is an experimental visual examination of magical thinking based on the idea of totem and totemism.

Here you can find out your magical reality through the lens of totemism. However, unlike traditional totemism which commonly involve animal and plants, we added additional symbols that are current and modern to better connect with the modern human psych. Assemble your own monument and embrace your magical reality!

How to Play




Drag to the right bracket all of the objects you like or what you think represent you best.

Pick up to 3 objects starting from the bottom to the top as it is the hierarchy of importance symbolically. It doesn't have to be personal. You can pick anything you like. We encourage you to loosen up and be free!

Click on Discover your magical reality and you will discover your totem and its name.

The significance of each object you chose will be explained in brief. These are the objects you may consciously or subconsciously hold certain significance personally.

Think of the totem pole as your own relic and the meanings as something positive. This is what magical thinking can do. You can also download the image of your assembled totem pole.

You can choose to assemble your totem again or visit the museum to see others’ totems.

the magical reality
in you.

The images of the symbols are gathered from Google.
This project is not intended for commercial purposes.

Wych Hendra
Web development
Wych Hendra

© 2021. Spellbinder.